In REALM you can view the details of a listing from a search. To view a listing:
- Select the property from the results on the search window.
- The listing will open, and you can easily review the overview, links, description, listing info, property info & features by selecting the topic in the header or scrolling down the page.
- To review all of the images of the property, hover over the first image and select the directional arrow to move to the next image or select the next image from the row of images.
- If you are interested in a property you can share feedback with your Sales Representative by selecting an option from the share menu at the top of the window.
- The box icon is a selection option. If you click on the box a checkmark will be placed in it. Once selected you can go to the next listing to review and continue to place a checkmark in all listings of interest. This allows to identify multiple listings at one time.
- The heart icon adds a property to your list of likes. If you select it the heart will turn red.
- The chat icon will open an in-app chat window so that you can send a message to your salesperson and the listing will be attached.
- The action button when selected offers the option to email, add to a list, and print the listing.
- You can enter a private note between you and your sales representative in the add note field. This field cannot be used for two-way communications. If you would like a response to your note from your sales representative, please use the chat feature.