Have you been notified about an expiring search or has a search you need already expired?
Wondering how to adjust notifications for an existing search or notify more contacts of new matches?
You can easily change the notifications on an existing search in REALM, by adjusting the search settings.
You can use the following process to:
- extend a search that is going to expire;
- renew an expired search;
- change the notification frequency for yourself or a client contact;
- add additional emails to a search;
- set an existing search as the default search for yourself or a client.
To access the settings for an individual search:
Click the Contacts tab
Locate the Contact that the search was saved for (either yourself or a client). Click the Contact name and then choose Searches
Click the kabob menu to the right of the search name
Choose Settings and in the new window that opens, choose Notifications for both yourself and your client (if applicable).
To learn more about creating and saving searches, please view the article HERE