You can search Keywords from within the listing description by using the Remarks for Clients filter.
If you're interested in searching for keywords within the Broker Remarks section of a listing, you can easily do so by adding a field called Remarks for Brokers.
To search for Keywords, please follow these steps:
1. Add the Remarks for Clients or Remarks for Brokers filter to your available search filter from the Add a Field drop down.
NOTE: If you have not used the Remarks for Clients or Remarks for Brokers filter in REALM before, it can be added to your search under More Filters when using the Consumer View. In all other views, Add a Field is found at the bottom of the filter list.
Please select the drop down from the filter "Add a Field" . Begin typing to locate Remarks for Clients or Remarks for Brokers from the list.
2. Using the Remarks for Clients or Remarks for Brokers Filter, type the required keyword in to the text box.
PLEASE NOTE: You can also make use of the handy icon on the right (outlined in red below) to fine-tune the filter even more.
3. If you would like to search by multiple keywords simultaneously, simply click on OR to reveal additional boxes. By selecting OR, you'll be able to find listings that mention EITHER keyword. If you're looking for listings that specifically mention BOTH keywords, just click on the Gear Icon and switch it to AND.