REALM AI uses Natural Language search inputs to create a search that meets your specific needs.
What does this mean for you?
You can simply type what you are looking for into the REALM AI search box and REALMAI will create a search for you!
Where do I find REALM AI?
The REALM AI search box is available within all filters panels and at the Global Search. Just look for the purple REALM AI symbol:
REALM AI is always optional
If you don't receive exactly what you expected from your REALM AI search, you can always manually adjust the filters that were used.
Any REALM filters can be used or adjusted at any time within the search workflow!
- When a REALMAI search is used, standard search filters are populated by the AI search. You can adjust the search REALMAI makes or ignore the REALMAI search entirely
- REALMAI will only create a search when a plain text search (i.e. something that is not a specific address or MLS#) is entered in the Global Search or the REALMAI input field
To use REALM AI, all you need to do is type what you are looking for in the REALM AI box.
Some suggested queries include (please note this is not an exhaustive list):
Find 1 bedrooms apartments for rent in Peel
All 2 bedroom apartments in Toronto C02
Homes in Toronto between 3 and 4 million dollars
Four bedroom homes in Toronto for lease
Homes with at least 6 bedrooms in Toronto
2 story homes in Peel or Home with two stories and a garage
Find properties in Peel with at least 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
Find properties for sublease with at least 100 sqm area
Search for properties listed for sale on the last 30 days
Find two-bedroom lofts for sale with at least two bathrooms
Find properties with a minimum of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in a suburban area
Locate properties priced between 200,000 and 300,000 dollars in a downtown area
Farms in Peel
Find all 9 bedroom homes for sale under 3 million in Toronto that have been on the market for over a month
Condos for sublease
Homes sold in the last 3 weeks
Available homes with 2 bedrooms that have been on the market for less than 10 days
Homes with 2 bedrooms plus an extra possible bedroom space
Listings updated today
Search for studio apartments available for rent
Land for sale in Hamilton
Find all commercial units in Georgina
Find all office spaces in the city of Toronto for lease
Find freehold properties in Toronto with an indoor pool
Find homes in Toronto with a backyard Homes with a backyard and a patio
I'm looking for a 3-bedroom apartment such that my children can visit Yorkview public school
Want to know what search filters REALM AI can use? Click HERE
Want to know more about what REALM AI's limitations are? Click HERE
Integrated Feedback
Did REALMAI get something wrong? Simply click the thumbs down to tell us and contribute to creating a more usable AI search model.