In REALM, you can search for listings using the map.
To search for listings with the map on a mobile device:
Select the search icon
from the menu at the bottom of the window.
Select the map icon
on the bottom right.
- Adjust the map to the area of interest using the zoom in + icon, zoom out – icon, your fingers or stylus.
Drawing tools are available in the menu to help define the area of interest:
a. The pencil icon
is a continuous draw feature. Touch the screen and draw the area in one movement.
b. The polygon icon
will place a point each time you touch the screen until you close the area.
c. The radius icon
will draw a radius around the area.
d. The garbage can icon
will remove the shape.
If locations settings are enabled on your mobile device, select the show your current location icon
and the map window will go to this location. If no listings are identified, zoom out on the map until you find listings.
Listings will be identified by a callout
with the listings price.
- To review a listings summary, select the callout
and a window will appear on screen.
- To view all details, select the listing summary and the full listing will open on the screen. To return to the map, select Back.
- Select the X to close the listing summary.
- To adjust the search results with criteria, select Filters and window will appear where you can enter the desired search criteria. Select Apply to return to the map window to view the results.
To search for listings with the map on a computer:
- Select Search from the menu bar and a window will appear with listings on the left and a map on the right.
- On the left side of the map, there is a zoom in (+ icon) and zoom out (- icon) that you can use to adjust the zoom level.
- You can also use your mouse, trackpad, stylus, or fingers to adjust the screen left or right and to zoom in or out. As you adjust the map the listing results on the left will update.
Drawing tools are available in the menu to help define the area of interest:
a. The pencil icon
is a continuous draw feature. Touch the screen and draw the area in one movement.
b. The polygon icon
will place a point each time you touch the screen until you close the area.
c. The radius icon
will draw a radius around the area.
d. The garbage can icon
will remove the shape.
- If locations settings are enabled on your computer, select the show your current location icon and the map window will go to this location. If no listings are identified, zoom out on the map until you find listings.
- Listings will be identified by a callout
with the listings price.
- If you hover over a listing on the left side of the window, the call out
will turn blue on the map.
- To review a listings summary, select the callout
and a window will appear on screen.
- To select a property, place a check in the box
- To close the summary, select the X.
- To adjust the search results with criteria, select Refine Search and window will appear where you can enter the desired search criteria.
- Select Apply to return to the map window to view the results.
If you have any questions, please contact us at