How to Create Notice Pages on your PC
You can use Notice Pages to see MLS listings which have been added or edited within your areas of interest.
To create or access Notice Pages:
- Select the Notice Pages tile within the Resource Menu at the top right corner of the screen.
- Use the Location & Class filters: From the left-hand side of the window, choose to run your Notice Page search by:
- Market Area by choosing one from the drop down OR
- Class, Sale or Lease and Location (to activate these filters, ensure that the Market Area drop down is blank).
- Choose a Date:
- Is this your first time using Notice Pages or are you interested in the activity within a certain timeframe? Choose the Date checkbox to run the Notice Page search from the date and time of your last search OR enter a date range using the slider bar.
- If you have used this feature before and want to see all the changes that have occurred since then, you simply need to choose the Find Since Last Update button on the right side of the screen to see all new and changed listings.
- Choose Listing Status: by activating the appropriate checkboxes
- Click Submit.
How to Work with Notice Page Search Results on your PC
REALM will now display all of the listings in the area, sorted by Listing Status. Each Status label will include a count of updated listings, followed by a list of the listings.
1. To Print: click on the Action Menu at the top right side of the window and choose “Print”
2. Quick View by Status: choose the appropriate Status Button at the top of the results screen to jump to that section
3. To view individual listings: click on the listing result from the list to view the complete MLS listing