Are you wondering why you did not get a notification for a listing that is appearing in one of your saved searches?
Users can expect to receive a notification for a new match for a saved search in the following cases:
- A new listing that meets the filter criteria of the search when it is initially listed
- A new price which moves the listing within the price range set for the search
- a status change - providing the listing is still active - such as a change from NEW to PC (price change) or SC (sold conditionally)
- A geographical change - A Geographic change will only trigger a search notification the first time the listing appears in your search
Changes made to any other fields in an existing listing that might cause the search criteria to fit your search parameters will not trigger a notification. This includes the following:
- Adjusting the class on a previously published listing
- Changing any of the attribute filters on a listing that’s been published before, which includes:
- bedrooms
- bathrooms
- parking spaces