How to Edit a Client Profile on your Mobile Device
- Select Contacts
from the menu bar.
- Select the layer menu
and choose the contact type – active, inactive, or disabled – by activating the appropriate bullet. Select the X (or swipe down) to close the layer.
- Select the client whose information you would like to update.
- Select the menu icon
- Select Edit from the drop-down menu.
- An edit client window will appear, update the details. Note: First Name, Last Name and Email fields are mandatory. All other fields are optional.
- Select Save.
How to Edit a Client Profile on your PC
You can edit contact information for a client in REALM on a computer with the following steps:
- Select Contacts from the menu bar.
- Select the layer icon
and choose the contact status type - active, inactive, or disabled - by activating the appropriate bullet. Click away from the drop-down menu
- Select the client whose information you would like to update.
- Select the menu icon
- Select Edit from the drop-down menu.
6. An edit client window will appear, update the details. Note: First Name, Last Name and Email fields are mandatory. All other fields are optional.
7. Select Save.
Note: The First Name, Last Name and Email fields are mandatory, and all other fields are optional.