In REALM, you can confirm ownership and other land registry details from the map window.
To search for land registry information using the map on a mobile:
Select the search icon
from the menu at the bottom of the window.
Select the map icon
on the bottom right.
- Adjust the map so that you can see the outline of the desired property using the zoom in + icon, zoom out – icon, your fingers or stylus.
Select the map layers icon
from the menu on the left of the window.
- Select the Parcel Fabric layer and then the X to close the window.
Select the desired property from the map.
- A window will open with the address, PIN, Last Sale, Owner Name, Legal Description, Perimeter, and Lot Area.
- Move down the screen and you will see links to purchase reports from the GeoWarehouse store. To purchase a report, select View Details under the desired report.
- Move the screen to the left to review all reports available in the store, and select View Details to purchase.
A little further down is Demographic information.
To search for land registry information using the map on a computer:
- Select Search from the menu at the top of the window.
- Adjust the map so that you can see the outline of the desired property using the zoom in + icon, zoom out – icon, your mouse, or device that you use on your computer to adjust the window.
Select the map layers icon
- Select Parcel Fabric from the map layers menu and then the X to close the menu.
- Select the property from the map.
- A window will open where you can confirm the address, PIN, Last Sale, Owner Name, Legal Description, Perimeter, and Lot Area.
- You will be able to purchase all the reports that are available in the GeoWarehouse store. To purchase a report, select View Details.
- Select the arrow icon pointing to the right to review all reports available.
- Scroll down the page for the sales history of the property.
- Continue to move down the page for Demographic information.
If you have any questions, please contact us at