In REALM, you can easily review current and historical sold statistics.
Note: Selecting multiple areas can help compare market performance. For more customized insights check out our Analytics feature!
To view sold statistics on a mobile device:
- Select the resources icon
in the menu.
- Select Sold Statistics.
- Select the desired date using the drop-down arrow to the right of latest.
- Enter one or multiple municipalities.
- A sold statistics summary for the selected timeframe and area(s) will appear on the screen. You can move the screen to the left to see more information.
To learn more about using Sold statistics on the Mobile App, view the video below
To view sold statistics on a computer:
- Select the resources icon
in the menu.
- Select Sold Statistics.
- Select the desired date using the drop-down arrow to the right of latest.
- Enter one or multiple municipalities.
- A sold statistics summary for the selected timeframe and area(s) will appear on the screen.
To learn more about using Sold statistics on the Desktop version of REALM, view the video below
If you have any questions, please contact us at