If your client is not able to recover their user id or is having issues resetting their password, you can assist by sending them an Account Recovery email through their profile. This is accessed by you under Contacts.
In the Contacts tab, choose the appropriate client name. Once you click you clients name, click on the "Send Account Recovery" at the bottom right hand side of their client card.
When you see the "Send account recovery" message, choose "Recovery" and an email will be automatically be sent to that client (please note you will not see a preview of this message before it is sent). The window will then close.
Your client will receive an email from address "notifications@em.realmmlp.ca". This message will advise them that a request was received to initiate recovery of their account and a list of user ids associated with the email (if they have more than one). At the bottom of the message there is an option to reset their password - please note that the link will expire within 24 hours of the message being sent by you.